"Miracles do not, in fact, break the laws of nature."

C. S. Lewis

Our Nature

Our calling at Natural Intelligence is to create guided explorations in nature where we hold space for individual, team and organisational transformation to emerge.

We guide leaders and teams to a place of conscious connection in inspiring, natural places. We support the process of listening to inner nature, trusting the guidance that flows and becoming inspired by Earth.

We call this process re-wilding as it aptly describes the letting go of the illusion of separation and control. Trusting and embodying what wants to naturally emerge instead often results in a greater sense of purpose, increased creativity, team cohesion and resilience.

Vision, Purpose, Values & Principles





Our vision is of a world where business has become a guiding force for transformation redefining what it means to thrive and supportive of the evolving potential of all organic life on Earth.


Rewilding leaders and teams on their regenerative journeys by creating and holding space in nature.



Our core values inform our decisions


We embody the feeling of connection to the Earth that supports us in coming home to our true selves and tapping into our inner wisdom. Being present to our own sense of groundedness helps ensure decisions are in the interests of all life.


Moving in and out of balance is part of the human experience. We support each other to recognise when we need to find balance again. In balance we are conscious and better able to become present to what wants to emerge.


Our connection to and belief in ourselves creates an inner harmony that is reflected in our outer world and daily life. This creates the opportunity for deeper and richer presence with others. We are all connected and are a vital part of life on Earth where everything is interconnected.


Life is a mystery to be explored. It is our curiosity that leads us to explore without expectation and keeps us open to all possibilities. What will we discover, what will we remember, what wants to emerge in the moment?


We, humans, are wonderfully complex living systems inextricably connected to other living systems. We honour the complexity knowing that it is an expression of life and an expression of the whole.


Earth is our guide, our greatest teacher and source of lifeforce energy.

Business can be a force for positive change and with it comes responsibility.

Diversity: each and every part of nature (including each human) has a unique contribution to make.

Change is created within and together we are redefining what it means to be human.

Leadership: the courage to pave a new path and create value for others.

As quantum mechanics demonstrates, everything is energy and everything is interconnected.