"Some people walk in the rain, others just get wet."

Roger Miller

Our People

Meet our co-creators Mark & Martin

Mark Henderson

Co-creator, Space Holder & Certified NatureProcess Coach

I hold a vision of a brighter, more just society where we all love life, develop and thrive.

My sense is that deepening our conscious connection to nature is fundamental to realising this.

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Martin Tufvesson

Co-creator, Space Holder & ICF Coach

Personal development and connection to your true essence is greatly enhanced when you spend more time in nature.
My favorite way is to sense deeply inside while all the wonders of nature gently move my soul.

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During my teenage years it was epic adventures into the Scottish hills that became my refuge, where I gained new perspectives and could process challenging situations and feelings. I developed a fascination around human potential and a deep connection to nature.

My own adventure has seen me explore different aspects of life at the edge of my comfort zone and I have discovered that’s where the fun and the growth happens!

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My experience as a business leader, renewable energy entrepreneur and then coach over the last 30 years has given me invaluable insights into what it’s like to lead organisations. This helps me identify with the challenges clients are facing and gives me the necessary perspective to design meaningful experiences outdoors that add value.

I am passionate about rewilding our human nature, our organisational organisms and our amazingly beautiful Earth of whom we are an integral part.

I am deeply respectful and honoured to be nature as a coach and guide.

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Adventure is built into my DNA. In my early adult years, I became obsessed with skydiving. It took seven years and way over one thousand jumps to treat my obsession.

Moving on, life continued to present me with complex working environments where the key to success was creativity, and to be honest, no small measure of courage too. Regardless of whether I was engaged as a theatre lighting designer, an event project manager or developing my own startup business, I simply strived to do what was fun and, often, hadn't been done before.

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Today, I am deeply engaged in supporting other humans to live life fully and in harmony. The journey to this point started about 15 years ago when I entered an ICF coach training program and it was an adventure of personal transformation that I didn’t see coming.

Sometimes it felt far scarier than jumping out of an airplane, but I came out on the other side, a bit like Joseph Campbell’s “Hero's Journey”, knowing myself a lot better.  Parallel to my own personal development, my coaching became more potent and I was able to take clients deeper and better support their transformation.

Some years later the idea of involving nature into my sessions was sown. That led to my business partner today, Mark Henderson, showing up. Since our first collaboration in 2019, we have designed and delivered numerous, nature experiences and immersions outdoors.

Feedback from clients has been profound and humbling. It has become the catalyst for what we are offering business leaders and teams who recognise the individual and organisational benefits of getting outdoors and bringing nature into the heart of their organisation.  

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Our Ecosystem

Over the years we have established close relationships with a broad range of trusted, qualified instructors, guides and therapists who we work with as projects call for their expertise.


Some of the ecosystems we are part of: